YEARs 7- 8

o Standing Up for Yourself

When relationships get ‘crunchy’ or someone oversteps your boundaries one option is to try and speak up. How you say something, or your style of communication, makes a difference to how successful you are at getting heard. 

o How to get to know someone

How to begin a relationship is something many young people struggle with, but identifying some specific social skills can make a difference. These skills could as readily apply to friendships as well as potential romantic relationships. 

o Freedom fighters (gender)

How influenced are we by gender stereotypes and to what extent do our bodies shape our options? Take a trip to Mars to find out what is ok for a Martian girl to do, and what’s ok for a Martian boy. What happens when the Earthlings buck the system? This video finishes with sketches of genitals so please check it out before you show your students. 


o Porn, What you should know

Here’s a world first - a video designed for 13 to 14 year olds to help them become critical thinkers about pornography and other sexual imagery (which may not be classified as porn). Keep in mind that not everyone in your class has seen or wants to see porn, but it if it’s an issue that you feel students are affected by, then check out the video and the accompanying lesson plan. Our main concern is that young people have the chance to hear an alternative set of standards – that sex can be a mutually enjoyable and consensual experience (when the time is right).


YEARS 9-10

o Rollercoaster - Love, Sex and Relationships

Is there a ‘rule-book’ for love, sex and relationships? Are there penalties for breaking the rules? Are the rules fair? What does a healthy relationship look like? Students are encouraged to identify and critique existing social expectations against a new kind framework. The LSR Ethical Framework is an alternative guideline for relationships (including sexual relationships) based on fairness, safety, respect (and fun).

o The Truth About Desire

This topic begins the discussion about ‘being sexual’, starting from a reflection on assumptions about sexual desire. Rather than a focus on the dangers and risks of pregnancy and disease, we start from a position that being sexual is a potentially good part of our lives, and consider the the effect of gender stereotypes and double standards on relationships and sexual decisions. 

o When’s the Right Time?

How does you know if and when you are ready for a sexual relationship? What’s important to you? Love, respect, marriage, opportunity? Everyone has their own values and hopes. What’s important in being with another person, and how do you know what they want? 

o The good ship ‘Relationship’ 

Many people feel awkward about talking during a sexual encounter, especially if you're young, inexperienced and feeling awkward. But you still have to know that both of you want to be there. Paying attention to body language and other non-verbal signals is important for expressing what you want, and helping you understand what the other person wants too.